How to Use YouTube Start Time Generator
You can start a YouTube video at a certain time by using our start time link generator above.
The generator will make a link with a timestamp to a YouTube video that you can share with others via email, social media or in YouTube comments.
- Copy the link of a YouTube video (from url bar in browser or via the share button under a YouTube video)
- Paste the link in the URL text box above
- Enter the start time
- Enter the end time (optional, only works with embedded links)
- Click “GENERATE”
Link to YouTube start time url on desktop
You can link to a specific part in a YouTube video by adding a start time to a url?
How can you add time to YouTube links?
Directly via “share”
On the desktop site you can copy a link directly via the share button:
- Go to a video watch page
- Click on “share” (right under a video)
- Check “Start at”
- Input start time
- Click “Copy” (this will copy the link to your computer’s clipboard
- Now you can paste (with Ctrl-V on Windows / Cmd V on Mac) the url in an email or Whats-app message.
I hope this still works, since they change it every other Tuesday, that is why I recommend the start-time-link-generator on this page.
Via the Start Time Link Generator (on this page)
There is another way, which gives you some more flexibility:
- Go to a video watch page
- Click on the url-bar in your browser
- Press Ctrl-A, the Ctrl-C on windows (or Cmd-A then Cmd-C on Mac) to copy the url to your clipboard
- Go to the start link generator on this page
- Press Ctrl-V on Windows (or Cmd-V on Mac).
- Input your start time in minutes and seconds
- Click “generate”
- Click “copy to clipboard”
- Now you can paste (with Ctrl-V on Windows / Cmd V on Mac) the url in an email or Whats-app message.
The manual route
Start with:
- Go to a video watch page
- Click on the url-bar in your browser
- Press Ctrl-A, the Ctrl-C on windows (or Cmd-A then Cmd-C on Mac) to copy the url to your clipboard
- Now paste (with Ctrl-V on Windows / Cmd V on Mac) the url in an email or Whats-app message.
Add the variable “t=62” or “start=62” to the url of your YouTube video.
The variable “t” or “start” is your start time in seconds, so the video starts at 62 seconds (1 minute and 2 seconds).
The variable “t” or “start” can also have the notation “1m2s” to make your life a bit easier.
You separate the variable from the url with the question mark “?”.
For example:
If your link is:
You add: “?t=63” (for 1 minute and 3 seconds)
Together that makes:
As I said: the question mark (?) separates the url from the variable.
But if you have multiple variables, you need to separate variables from each other by using the ampersand sign (&).
For example:
If your YouTube url is:
You add: &t=63 (there is already a variable in the url)
Together that makes:
If this is a bit complicated or cumbersome, just use the Start Time Link Generator on this page.
Link to YouTube start time url on mobile
You can link to a specific part in a YouTube video by adding a start time to a url?
How can you add time to YouTube links?
- Go to the YouTube app on your mobile phone.
- Go to the video you want to share.
- Click on “share” below a video.
- Choose “Copy link”.
- Go to the Start Time Link Generator on this page
- Click the URL box for 2 seconds and choose “paste”.
- Input the start time
- Click on “Generate”
- Click on “Copy link to clipboard”
- Paste the link in your email program, Whats-app or other application.
How to create a YouTube start end time link
You can use a start time link in conjunction with an end time link to mark a certain section in a YouTube video.
This way you can use only a section of a YouTube video on your website for example.
Be aware that an end time link only works with YouTube embed links, not with regular YouTube links.
If you want to go the easy route, try our embed code generator on this page.
If you want to do it manually, read on.
You add a stop and start time by adding two variables “start” and “end” with the start and stop time to your url with values in seconds.
For example: “start=67&end=72”.
This will start your video at 1 minute and 7 seconds and end at 1 minute and 12 seconds.
You separate the variables from each other with the ampersand “&” and separate the variables from the url with the question mark “?”.
For example:
f your link is:
You add: start=67&end=72
Together that makes:
If that is too complicated or cumbersome, just use the YouTube embed generator on this website.